Messages from Diverse Sources
Thursday, June 2, 2022
It Is Still Time for Mercy, but There Is VERY LITTLE Left
Message from Saint Michael the Archangel to Lorena – May 5th, 2022

TO LORENA – MAY 5th, 2022
Humanity will become extinct as happened with the Dinosaurs, Rain of Fire will end this perverse Humanity, but My King and Lord has a Plan for His children who will be Raptured before time, to be Preserved from the Rain of Fire, but if you want to be one of the Survivors and Precursors of the New Humanity, you must, with a Contrite and Humiliated Heart, ask for FORGIVENESS and give ALL of yourselves so that Heaven may see your Hearts with pleasure.
Many will be Martyrs, but there will be those who will be Preserved by the Hand of God, this Just and Merciful Hand will take His children out of chaos to take them out of the Stratosphere, where they can remain safe from EVERYTHING that happens in the World.
This Extinction of Life will be when the 3 days of Darkness are carried out, God the Father will exterminate EVERY Stain of Sin and the Earth, turning and changing its axis, will be Transformed into an Earthly Paradise, where the children of God will live, THE ONES who followed His Precepts and Commandments.
If you want to be one of the Survivors as in the Times of Noah, you must board the Ark of Salvation, which is the Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the Ark is about to leave, the Time of Mercy will soon be closed and the people that DO NOT climb on it they will NOT be able to be saved, is for this reason, that you are asked to be Consecrated.
Many people will perish and a very low percentage of the Millions of people will remain, but before this Extinction at the Global Level, many Natural Catastrophes will come and thus the Population will decrease, until ONLY the chosen ones remain, to inhabit New Heavens and Earths, if you want to be one of them follow my instructions:
1) Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
2) Life of Grace, Prayer and Penance,
3) Fasting and Spiritual Preparation,
4) Do Gethsemane on Thursdays to be Sealed,
5) Pure and Children’s Hearts, without Hate or Resentment.
And be Purified in the Fire of God in order to enter Purified in the new Heavens and New Earths.
It is still time for Mercy, but there is VERY LITTLE left, prepare yourselves and learn to live in the Divine Will.
Follow my instructions that I will place you all safe from ALL danger, my Angels will protect you and you all will be protected like you were in the middle of a bubble, which will be the Protection that Heaven will give you because NOTHING will be able to penetrate it.
For this reason, it does NOT matter where you are, the Protection will be given by the Ark of Salvation, which consists of what was said before, so the Creator Will Provide, DO NOT seek to hide in a Bunker, Heaven will Protect you, wherever you are, IF YOU COMPLY with what it was said before. Remember that you will be PRECURSORS of the New Humanity and you will be Preserved by The Mighty Hand of God the Father and you only need to get on His Ark of Salvation with what has been said before, in my instructions.
For this reason, Clothe yourselves with the Power of the Holy Spirit, in order to be Cared for and Guarded by Myriads of Angels, it is IMPORTANT to also pray:
1) My Angelic Crown, (The Chaplet of Saint Michael)
2) And the Exorcism of Pope Leo XIII.
With these Prayers in your Daily Prayers, I will Protect you in an Extraordinary Way, therefore those who follow my instructions will be Precursors of the New Humanity.
I say goodbye with the War Cry.
Who is like unto God?
No one is like God!!!
Chaplet to St. Michael the Archangel
Source: ➥